Canvas Apps
How To Use Gallery Control In PowerApps

How To Use Gallery Control In PowerApps

  • Choose anyone of the Gallery type. Here I’m using Blank Vertical.
  • Commonly used properties
    • Items – where you can configure your datasource (i.e. Table of Data). Here I’m using Excel as a datasource and my table name is “OrderDetail”.
    • Template Size – where you can define row size of your gallery.
    • Template Fill – where you can give row background color.
  • How to access items/data from gallery control.
    1. GalleryName.Selected
      • Selected method used to get selected item from gallery control. Eg. GalleryOrder.Email
    2. GalleryName.AllItems
      • AllItems method will return all the records which is displayed in gallery control.
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Thank you so much… Happy Building!!! šŸ™‚


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