Power Platform
A Complete Guide for Migration to Power Platform: Deployment

A Complete Guide for Migration to Power Platform: Deployment

This is the last post of the migration series, Kindly read the previous post before proceeding further, To keep the boredom out of the document only the main points were discussed. It is the most important step in the process of moving the artifacts to the production environment.

  • If the workflow is going to be moved to the production environment, as we discussed in the previous post, workflow will run in the owner instance. In order to overcome this, we should save the workflow from the ServiceAccount instance and change the reference variables to the production environment.
  • For SharePoint customized forms, we have to export the package and change the list GUID and list URL pointing to the development environment and upload it into the PowerApps then customize the form from SharePoint and fix errors thrown in the canvas.
  • For canvas-related & Model driven apps, where the development has been carried away in the Solutions, it is much easier to port from one environment to another using the Environment variables. We have to follow the same as we followed for the SharePoint PowerApps form.

We have reached the end of the big series, the process is more important than output. if the process is followed without flaws, the output will emerge without flaw. 

Thanks for being patient. More migration-related processes are on the way.

Please leave your valuable comments and suggestions, Happy Building šŸ™‚


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