Notify Application’s Certificates & secrets – Power Automate
Notify in teams/outlook about Application’s Certificates & secrets using Power Automate.

- Initialized variable of array type to store application data.

- Add list applications and owners action from Azure AD app registration connector.

- Loop each value listed down from the list applications and owner action. Here the value is referred from dynamic content.

- Now add nested for loop to iterate each client secrets available under each applications, where passwordCredential will return all the client secret details in an array structure.

- I’ve added condition to get the client secrets which is already expired. Here endDate is referred from previous passwordCredential loop.

- Inside true condition we are appending the client secret value(Display Name, End Date, App Name and Type) into the AppData(array variable).

- Follow the same step to loop certificate details. Replace passwordCredential reference with keyCredentials to loop the certificates.

- Now, we have the all the expired data in AppData variable. Using this we are going to construct HTML table.

- Then add teams/outlook action to notify the users. And include the HTML reference in the message body.

- Finally, you will get notified with teams/outlook message.

Happy Building… 🙂
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